Pokemon Go to be available to PH in 9 hours?


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    Pokemon Go to be available to PH in 9 hours?

    The moment we’ve been waiting for it seems based on the Pokemon Go server checker website the Philippines is now listed alongside with other Asian countries like Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Hongkong , India , and other more countries. and based on the website it will be available in the Philippines roughly 9hours upon writing this article. or probably the server was online 9hrs ago. But its just a matter of few days probably before we can finally see Pokemon Go in action?


    So we just have to wait and if you’re team #WalangTulugan expect the server to be available around 10AM tomorrow (probably).

    Get ready , prepare for battle this might be the moment we’ve all been waiting for.

    So visit this site to download the official app anytime soon.

    [pb-app-box pname=’com.nianticlabs.pokemongo’ name=’Pokémon GO’ theme=’discover’ lang=’en’]

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