Official WordPress for Desktop now available for Download


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    Official WordPress for Desktop now available for Download

    In the recent WordPress announcement, one of the major things to expect for the said company is the new API that has been revamped from the ground up using the latest web frameworks to make the loads faster without event refreshing. The new Calypso update is now available if you’re using WordPress as a main Blogging platform.

    Aside from this announcement they launched a new Desktop application that integrates the new feature of the dashboard, it was first made available for MAC but now you can also download it for Windows.

    This application helps editor to seamlessly post articles without even logging in to your WordPress Dashboard. This has been the most requested ever since, but finally it’s now available for MAC and Windows and will be available soon for Linux.

    [button color=”” size=”large” type=”square_outlined” target=”_blank” link=””]Download Desktop App[/button]

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