New YouTube Layout Now Available in the Philippines


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    New YouTube Layout Now Available in the Philippines

    Last month YouTube already announced the upcoming new YouTube layout and some of the most popular YouTuber’s online like iJustine, MysteryGuitarMan and the others got the chance to have it as early as beta testing.

    but apparently today, upon logged in to my account it just surprised me when YouTube uploaded this video

    and you will see in the description box the link where you can activate the new layout ,

    all you need to do is goto this URL and scroll at the bottom and you will see the activate button and VIOLA! you have now activated the ALL NEW YOUTUBE LAYOUT.

    first thing you will notice upon activating is that you will have now a feature of changing your YouTube channel art this represents your channel similar on the google+ layout they made it consistent all through out now so the users will not be confuse and you can now add sections for viewers to see more of your video.

    You can also check out the upcoming Facebook new News Feed layout

    I have also created a short screencast walkthrough on the new features they have added on the channel

    [button type=”large” color=”black” rounded=”1″ link=”” ]DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE[/button]

    so what are you waiting for activate your new layout and experiment now, you can also check some of the guidelines on how you can create your own channel art here

    We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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