YouTube new Community Comment Feature Rolled out Beta


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    YouTube new Community Comment Feature Rolled out Beta

    A new Filter Feature for the Discussion tab on your YouTube channel is now rolled out for beta test, if you are new to the Discussion Tab this section of your channels lets your user comment or give feedback directly on your YouTube Channel so Usually this are more personal comments because on a normal thread in the YouTube watch are usually when there are tons of comments automatically your comments are being buried by other comments.

    So now YouTube Added a feature where the Discussion Tab can be more of a community driven discussion you can filter users and comments and even banned users spammers plus you can also blacklist a user if they used a blacklisted word.

    the new feature can bee seen in a new Tab in the YouTube Dashboard where you will see the Community once you clicked that you will see a new section on your Dashboard

    there will be an Automated Filters and some other nifty features for you to filter comments on the Discussion Tab.

    So far I am not sure if I will benefit on this because not all users know this section of your Channel unless they are totally a Subscriber or an Avid Follower of your videos, lets see on how this will help my channel to gain more feedback’s and suggestion and even having more discussion.

    the said feature will have your comments show both on Google+ and YouTube itself but then again lets see if this will work out 😀

    We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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