How-to Download APK file in the Google Play Store


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    How-to Download APK file in the Google Play Store

    Love downloading app? well here is a quick tutorial on how you can save the APK file of your favorite FREE! Android Games that are available in the Google Play Store. don’t worry this is not piracy this is just one cool way for you to have the APK of the Android Games without even installing it yet.

    Step 1: Choose your Favorite Android Game in the Google Play Store.

    Step 2: Copy the Absolute URL of the App that you have chosen or the text after ?id= portion

    and paste it in this website

    and click the download link you will have now the APK package of that app, the only problem here is that , because the site is only limited to 400 APK’s to download per day you might have to wait for some time before you can download your app. but then this is just one cool way of downloading APK directly in the Google Play Store.

    NOTE: this will not work on paid apps

    Website: APK Downloader

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