Google+ Lets you now create your Custom URL


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    Google+ Lets you now create your Custom URL

    Finally Google Plus Rolled out the Custom URL feature which is similar to other social networking site, where you have the capability to change your URL. like for example for Facebook, it ends after the .com/ and you can add your name or brand name, but for google plus it ends with a “+” sign which is for example https// as a default it pops on the top of your profile and you will see this popup window

    alsi if ever you don’t want the suggested URL you can easily create your own URL by just clicking the Request a different one.

    for new accounts you need to have this requirements for you to be eligible to have the custom URL feature.

    Requirements for getting a custom URL

    Before you can get a custom URL, your account needs to be in good standing and meet the following requirements:

    Eligibility for People:

    • Ten or more followers
    • Your account is 30 days old or more
    • A profile photo


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