Featured Phone that lets you save 1000 SMS and phonebook


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    Featured Phone that lets you save 1000 SMS and phonebook

    Starmobile just announced a new featured phone that let’s users save up to 1000 phonebooks plus 1000 SMS, usually featured phones are limited to 250 -500 contacts and SMS but with UNOB509 it’s possible. Not only it can save tons of messages and contacts it also comes with a Bluetooth Dialer, Notifier, and Remote Control.

    The Starmobile UNO B509 is available in Black and Gold color with a leather-like finish texture at the back. It also boasts a large 2.8-inch IPS display with 1,300mAh battery and it also comes with a 2mp rear camera.

    this device can be paired to any compatible Android devices to take advantage of the remote control feature that acts as a remote shutter button for the camera for a better framing of your photo perfect capture moments.

    And last but not the least great news it still uses both regular SIM, the UNO B509 is only 1,199.

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