Facebook require user to scan their computer to login with Mcafee legit or not?


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    Facebook require user to scan their computer to login with Mcafee legit or not?

    UPDATE: upon checking my second account I can access it successfully so I think this is a glitch from facebook here’s a screenshot of my second account.

    Hopefully facebook will fix this bug asap.

    around 6:30 am pacific time I have encounter this error that I need to scan my PC in order for me to login to my Facebook account because I have been locked out , that my PC has a virus? and you need to download a McAfee antivirus to scan your PC.

    Upon seeing the twitter feeds and checked if I am the only person encountering this , apparently there are a lot of users are encountering this and they can’t seem to login to their accounts. here are some of the screenshots I got when I saw this error on my account.

    because I really don’t want to download this .exe file because I know I haven’t visited a malicous website and aparently I am just browsing facebook when this happen so I still need to verify this if this is a bug from facebook or a legit scanning application.

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