A whole new way of learning Photoshop — Adobe Tutorial Player


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    A whole new way of learning Photoshop — Adobe Tutorial Player

    Adobe released a new App that helps Tutorial Creator to make it easy for users to follow Photoshop tutorials with the help of their new app called Adobe Tutorial Player.

    This app sync your Photoshop with your iPad , on the iPad the Adobe Tutorial Player is installed and from their you can choose tutorials and follow them by clicking some of the instructions and not only that you can follow tutorials you can also create your own tutorials and share it to the world by using the Adobe Tutorial Builder Plugin for Photoshop.

    Here is a video showing how it works.

    unfortunately it is only available for iPad users, Hoping there will be an Android version also in the near future will really be glad to try this stuffs, like what I use to do literally on Pinoyscreencast 🙂

    you can download the app here and also the tutorial builder


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