Official NBI Clearance Online System Available this week


    🚩 Report

    Official NBI Clearance Online System Available this week

    It’s Official the Department of Justice posted the press release of the New NBI Clearance Online System that will make the NBI Clearance application and renewal faster and easier, it will be available this January 24, 2014

    the Official Website is

    as of this posting it still redirects to its unofficial url which is which you can have a look on can we expect on it’s launching, some says that it was already implemented in some NBI branches like taft. But they also mentioned that it caused longer lane on the said soft launch.

    Well for my opinion that is just normal for a new system, we just hope that fellow Filipino will cooperate on this because this is a great benefit for all citizen who wants to have a NBI Clearance without any hassle. let’s think of it for the long run at first for sure there will be some issues but for sure once this has been rolled out it will slowly work well.

    we still don’t have the official procedure on this will try to get more info regarding this so we can also help our fellow Filipino 🙂

    Kudos! to the agency to did the site well as what I noticed it is a responsive design website which makes it also easy for mobile user to interact with. 🙂 Great Job NBI!

    So what do you think about the new system of the NBI Clearance is it really about time for this? can this lessen the big hassle of getting a NBI Clearance, what are your thoughts on this feel free to share your experience in the comment section once you tried it soon 😉

    We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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