MyPhone DTV series for only 3k


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    MyPhone DTV series for only 3k

    Smartphone with digital television or DTV in short has been around in the market since last year. But MyPhone is set to release their own DTV series dubbed as My81 and My85, between the two the My85 has a higher specs having a marshmallow os out of the box plus a 5-inch HD display compared to a 4-inch WVGA display for the My81.

    Both devices are below 5k range which is for the My85 it will retail for only Php2,999 while the My81 is only Php1,999. More affordable compared to the other brands like Cherry Mobile and Starmobile but of course we still can’t say if it has a better coverage when it comes to the signal transmission of the Digital signal.

    My85 and My81 will be avilable later this month at automattic center and other Myphone retailers.

    MyPhone MY81 DTV specs

    [aps_product_features id=”42658″ style=”list”]

    Check the full specs here

    MyPhone MY85 DTV Specs

    [aps_product_features id=”42655″ style=”list”]

    Check the full specs here

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