Mozilla Firefox New UX — Australis


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    Mozilla Firefox New UX — Australis

    A New UX Design for Mozilla Firefox called Australis will be available on Firefox Nightly’s, the new design made the new Firefox more elegant and more user-friendly.

    What is Australis?

    1. It’s the most beautiful and detail-obsessed iteration of Firefox’s visual design yet: modern, clean, and comfortable.
    2. More fundamentally, it’s a streamlining and simplification of the default interface, to declutter and better focus on how people use a browser today.
    3. Finally, it includes a new simple way to customize the browser and make it your own.

    most noticeable change is the tab where now it emphasize the Foreground and Background Tab which is also on any theme it will still be noticeable.

    Firefox with Glowbug theme installed

    the new UX also emphasized the Download indicator tab icon and the quick bookmark access which I really get frustrated before because it is really hard to manage the bookmark, hopefully this update will make it more easier for user to find their bookmarks 🙂

    another added feature is the Quick Access Menu where it seems similar with the Google Quick Access menu but minus the Google Apps 🙂 with this one you have all the quick access menu like cut,copy and paste and other tools there.

    Not only that you can also access the Customization Mode. where you can configure which tool you want to be on the quick access menu.


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