WordPress 3.5 Officially Rolled Out


    🚩 Report

    WordPress 3.5 Officially Rolled Out

    Have you notice the Notifications on your dashboard for the update of your WordPress for it’s Latest version which is 3.5 “Elvin”.

    you will notice that the FEATURE UPDATE is the new MEDIA MANAGER, and It was totally revamp! and I love the new interface upon checking it I think they enhanced it more and more easier to use. and it loads/uploads much faster than before 🙂

    now you can see all your images that has been uploaded on your media files and when you click the edit image you will be redirected to a separate page which is the attachment page where you can tweak it more not like on the previous version it is on the same page , which is convenient also because it has a larger interface for you to interact with.

    and yeah! inception my post LOL! they also change the interface from rounded to slight rounded buttons, and the TINYMCE editor is much more simplified they have removed the boxes and it will just show now when you hover the buttons.

    and the most popular LINK MANAGER of all time has been removed! LOL! (who uses it?) but if your planning to use it you can download the plugin for that 🙂

    mehh! I haven’t updated my favorite list yet LOL!

    also they have added feature where you can easily now integrate your favorite plugin and install it easily without even going back and forth to the WordPress plugin repository.

    other stuffs are simpler dashboard intro for easy readability and retina display compatibility for mac and other internal developer stuffs codes update.

    I have also created a screencast video before when they released the beta 2 version of the 3.5 and noticing they are much more improvement applied comparing to that version you can watch it also here.


    and for the official blogpost of the wordpress here it is http://wordpress.org/news/2012/12/elvin/

    here is a quick video showing it’s features

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