Facebook Photo Sync for Android and IOS


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    Facebook Photo Sync for Android and IOS

    Facebook recently announced it’s new feature on mobile and web PHOTO SYNC basically it automatically uploads your photos on your phone this is available for both Android and IOS, to activate it you will see a notifications on your facebook app similar to this

    once you have clicked the start now it will load the new feature on your app, you will notice you will have now a check mark icon on your photos when you view it.

    you can choose what photo you want to be part of a new album or to post on your profile and even send it on a message

    and what’s good also about this it notifies you if you have a sync photo on your facebook account. and as a default it’s privacy settings is set to as private which is good, also you will have a 2gb of storage for your photo’s to sync, i’m not just sure on what happens if you exceed to that limit 🙂

    so to know more on how it works you can watch this videos created by facebook itself

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