Cherry Mobile Omega HD 2.0 Stock Rom (SP Flash Tool)


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    Cherry Mobile Omega HD 2.0 Stock Rom (SP Flash Tool)

    When building a Custom ROM it is a good practice of creating a backup of your stock rom, so that even though you bricked your phone you can still go back to your original state.

    Here I’ll be sharing the stock rom of the Cherry Mobile Omega HD 2.0 feel free to use this, but take note that

    Flash at your own risk 🙂

    I got this stock rom by using the MTK Droid Tools if you will encounter a bug feel free to join our Facebook group to seek further help or leave me a message on my contact forms 🙂

    [alert alert_type=”” ]Take note that you need to use the latest build of winrar to extracti this archive![/alert]

    [alert alert_type=”info” ]DOWNLOAD LINK Mediafire[/alert]

    Flashing Tutorial Will Be Posted Soon 🙂

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